How Will An RV Insurance Plan Compare To Auto Coverage?

19 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When someone looks at RV insurance, they often assume the plan will compare similarly to the policies they have for their car. Automobile insurance will have some things in common with an RV one, but there will also be noticeable differences. Let's look at some of the key differences and similarities.

Separate Policy

Most RV insurance plan providers won't allow you to attach a recreational vehicle to your existing auto coverage. This means you'll have to purchase a separate plan for your RV without an accompanying discount.

Insurers do this because RVs carry a higher risk of catastrophic events. Especially if the vehicle is something like a converted bus or luxury coach, it's going to be as heavy as many commercial vehicles. Even camper- and van-style RVs can be quite heavy when you start adding features like a stove, shower, and toilet.

Ordinary Automobile Insurance Coverage Features

Unsurprisingly, an RV insurance plan will have many of the normal features of one for a car. You can choose comprehensive and collision options. Similarly, you can select levels of liability coverage.

Total Loss Replacement

One major difference is that many insurers offer what they call total loss replacement coverage. Whenever someone wrecks a car, the insurance company will only cover the book value of the vehicle. Total loss replacement means the insurer will cover the full price of replacing the RV with a new one rather than the vehicle's depreciated value. If you've invested hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars into an RV, this can make a gigantic difference if you take a total loss.

Seasonal Coverage

RVs also can be subject to seasonal policies without the insurance company reporting the loss of coverage as delinquent. If you only intend to use the RV for the summer, for example, you might suspend the policy on the last day of September and maybe not pick it back up until May.

Personal and Attached Property

Given how much stuff may be in and on an RV, it's wise to cover the contents. This covers everything that isn't part of the vehicle. If you bought a set of solar panels to power your systems while you park the RV at a camping ground, for example, this policy would cover their loss during the operation of the vehicle.

Full-Time Coverage

If your RV is your residence, you need to insure it like you would your home. A full-time policy can cover third-party premises liability, personal property damage, and more, just as a homeowners policy would.

Reach out to a company like Lassen Marine & Webster Inc to find out more.
