4 Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Car Insurance

22 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a vehicle, you need to carry car insurance on your vehicle. When it comes to carrying car insurance, many people believe a lot of myths about car insurance. Here is the truth about auto insurance. Myth #1: Your Driving Record Is All That Matters When Figuring Out Your Premium One of the biggest myths that people believe is that your driving record is all that matters when it comes to figuring out your premium. Read More 

3 Things To Know About Filing A Claim On Your Auto Insurance Policy

29 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you drive a vehicle, you need auto insurance, even if you do not own the car you drive. Auto insurance protects you and other drivers, and it is a legal requirement in all states. If you have insurance and end up in a collision, you might be eligible to file a claim on your policy. Here are three vital things to know about filing claims on your auto insurance policy after an accident. Read More 

3 Ways To Use Your Tax Refund To Lower Auto Insurance Costs

22 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Auto insurance is a necessity for any driver who wants to legally operate a vehicle on public roadways. Auto insurance costs can vary, but nearly every driver would like to reduce the amount of money he or she pays in policy premiums each year. If you are receiving a tax refund this year, it's the perfect opportunity to lower the cost of your auto insurance policy. 1. Take Advantage of Premium Discounts Read More 

Do You Need Commercial Auto Insurance?

30 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Your personal auto insurance does not cover the business use of your vehicle. Commercial auto insurance isn't for just for company vehicles doing delivery services or repair. This coverage is for anyone who uses their vehicle for work. Here is more information about who needs commercial auto insurance and why you should get this type of policy. Who Needs Commercial Auto Insurance? If you use your vehicle for any type of business activity, other than simply going to and from work or to meetings, you need commercial auto insurance. Read More